
Decode and Demystify – IDX Fundamentals Training: Now On Demand!

05.15.18 07:06 PM By Michael Price
We know how frustrating it is to continually untangle all of the tech acronyms you’re bombarded with, it’s like water rushing from a fire hose. In an effort to stem the tide, we established IDX Fundamentals as a completely FREE training track for your members.. It helps your members grasp the basics of IDX and web-based home search along while also providing an overview of the FBS IDX Solutions. It has been very popular with your members, so much so, we’ve decided to set up IDX Fundamentals as an “On Demand” platform that can be conducted at a pace that’s convenient for your agents and brokers.

So What is IDX Fundamentals?
Click the image below for a brief video introduction:

What Are Your Thoughts?
We would love to know what you think about the program and discuss any ideas you have for making it even better. Just click inside of the text box below to scroll through a quick 6 question survey. Thank you for your time and input!